Friday, September 28, 2018

Our amazing Super-week with 2nd Grade

Thank you so much parents for visit our class during our super-powers demonstration.
Students used a superhero costume, 6 skills related to the fitness, as a warm up they played "healthy and non healthy food, and then they show their super power!!
Some teachers and parents... 

1st grade

Students play the game : "Fire ball"

Students practiced eye-hand coordination, throw and catch, they must have already learned the concept of moving to open space and "using good eyes".

Two students will try to "burn" the students in the center. If the students in the center are touched by the ball, they will go to help who was outside.


Students practice their eye-hand coordination using a Launch Platform and a beanbag


Sunday, September 16, 2018

EC 4 During Music and Movement Class

         Exploring my abilities through Music and Movement

During these past weeks EC4 students were engaged in different learning experiences that allow them to explore a variety of movements and develop their gross motor skills. 
Gross motor skills involve the use of the large muscles in the arms, legs and torso during movement. Using the large muscles, children are able to perform the fundamental movement skills comprising locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative skills. 

Locomotor skills are the foundations of movements needed to perform a variety of physical activities. They are the building blocks of coordination. 

Animals Move!
Students were traveling to one place to another in different ways such as frog jump, walk, bunny hop, bear walk and crab crawl. 

Developing body control and balance through diverse inhibitory activities such as march, run and stop. 


Manipulative skills

Manipulative skills involve controlling the hands, feet and other parts of the body in managing objects such as bouncing a ball, striking with a foam bat, throwing and catching.

Enjoy interacting, playing and engaging with others  

Cooperating, respecting others, adopting a variety of group roles, gross motor,
spatial awareness, organization.

I learn by having lots of chances to roll, throw, catch and kick. 

Ball skills help children develop body control and strength. By practicing basic ball skills, children can develop hand-eye coordination, foot-eye coordination, and control of their larger muscles.